Sunday, 15 November 2009

Fellow Hubber Publishes Self-Help Book - Fear, Phobias & Frozen Feet!

I write regularly on a site called HubPages and one of the other Hubbers called CindyVine, who is a writer that I admire greatly, has recently self-published a book called Fear, Phobias & Frozen Feet which is now available on Amazon.

The book is about abuse, being a victim and how to stop being a victim. The book explores the relationship triangle and the Victim/Rescuer game that people play. The book is based on CindyVine's own experiences with an abusive husband and other abusive people that she has drawn into her life, how she managed to move away and move on from these people and situations and build a better life for herself and her children.

She also has another book available on Amazon called 'Stop the World, I Need to Pee!', which follows the fictional adventures of a girl called Fenella Fisher

Buy the books, as they are amazing and don't forget to check out CindyVine's Hubs for more great writing!

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